How to Find Your Router’s IP Address

How to Find Your Router’s IP Address

For many people, one of the biggest frustrations about setting up or configuring a router is simply finding the IP address of where it's located. While accompanying mobile apps in newer routers and mesh Wi-Fi systems have made this process significantly easier,...

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How to Fix Slow Wi-Fi and Weak Signal

How to Fix Slow Wi-Fi and Weak Signal

When it comes to Wi-Fi, we don't really demand all that much. All we want is a good Wi-Fi signal with reasonable performance to watch funny cat videos in 4K. However, as you may know, in practice that's not always how things work. If poor Wi-Fi signals and slow speeds...

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How to Use Iperf to Test Network Speed

How to Use Iperf to Test Network Speed

What is Iperf? So you just got a new router and you want to know whether it's actually faster than your old router or you just got a new wireless card and you want to know how much faster the new wireless card is over the old one. How do you test the performance? The...

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