How To
Top 5 Best NAS and Home Server Uses

Top 5 Best NAS and Home Server Uses

As prices of last generation servers continue to decrease, internet speeds continue to increase, and NAS systems become much more feature rich, many people are now opting to setup their own home servers or NAS systems. If you don't own your own home server or NAS...

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How to Remove Malware from Your PC

How to Remove Malware from Your PC

For anyone using a Windows PC, malware infections are simply a fact of life. Nefarious programmers have figured out ways to make money, destroy systems and make your life a living hell, and while it's difficult to completely prevent malware infections, it's important...

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How to Find Your Router’s IP Address

How to Find Your Router’s IP Address

For many people, one of the biggest frustrations about setting up or configuring a router is simply finding the IP address of where it's located. While accompanying mobile apps in newer routers and mesh Wi-Fi systems have made this process significantly easier,...

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How to Use Opera VPN

How to Use Opera VPN

It's an unfortunate yet inescapable fact of life that if you're on the internet, chances are you're being monitored in some way shape or form. While many websites have made the transition to HTTPS which has greatly improved security, HTTPS still allows anyone snooping...

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How to Speed Up Steam Downloads

How to Speed Up Steam Downloads

Generally speaking, Steam download speeds are pretty good. Steam was originally built as a game distribution platform, so by design they're supposed to have a lot of capacity. For the most part, you should be able to max out your internet connection without any...

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How to Extract Audio from Video

How to Extract Audio from Video

Using VLC Media Player Have you ever come across a great interview or a great gym soundtrack and want an easy way to separate the audio file into a MP3 to load onto your music player? Yup. We know you have and today we'll teach you how to do it with free open source...

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How to Fix Slow Wi-Fi and Weak Signal

How to Fix Slow Wi-Fi and Weak Signal

When it comes to Wi-Fi, we don't really demand all that much. All we want is a good Wi-Fi signal with reasonable performance to watch funny cat videos in 4K. However, as you may know, in practice that's not always how things work. If poor Wi-Fi signals and slow speeds...

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